I don’t know how many people realize this, but most states have some form of self-help websites for people who may not have an attorney. I’ll let you in on a little secret: these websites are generally really good. I use them myself sometimes and I’m a family law lawyer. Despite these websites being available,…
read moreThe parent who has typically performed the traditional role of homemaker and caretaker of the children will be most likely to establish primary parent status for purposes of a temporary custody and child support order. This means that the primary caregiver is most likely to receive temporary custody in a divorce or legal separation proceeding.…
read moreAlthough the law changes from state-to-state, and you should talk with a licensed family law lawyer in your area, there is some general information which should be included in every motion for modification of child support. In any case involving the establishment or modification of an existing child support order, the initiating party should include…
read moreAlthough the law changes from state-to-state, and you should check with a family law lawyer in your area for specifics on child support law, when making a child support determination, judges must make specific findings based on real evidence presented to them at the time of the child support hearing. You might ask your self:…
read moreIn an effort to provide more current family law news to my readers, I’m trying something new on this blog. I will now be featuring a regular post called the “Family Law Round Up“. The round up will summarize family law articles, blog posts, and other write-ups from around the globe. Please let me know…
read moreAs a divorce lawyer, I have answered A LOT of phone calls from potential clients. Some questions that nearly every person I talk has is: “what do I need to bring with me?” or “what are we going to discuss?” Answering questions like the ones above got me to thinking about what people should know…
read moreSorry, this is a bit of a cheat post. As a divorce and family law lawyer, I follow quite a few family law blogs around the country. As I posted earlier, one great blog that I follow almost daily is the Family Law Prof Blog. Today, on my Google Reader, I ran into a blog…
read moreThere was a another interesting post over at the Family Law Professor Blog this morning. It a link to an article in The Atlantic titled “How To Keep Parenthood from Making Your Marriage Miserable.” Me being me, I had to go read the article. In turn (as the internet so often does) it lead me to…
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