Domestic violence often plays a role in many couple’s lives. In fact, one Canadian study revealed that 50% of all divorced women reported past abuse. In America, you often see the statistic that one in four women will experience some type of domestic violence during their lives. It’s also been stated that “more than more…
read moreIf you are thinking about a divorce, please think about a Minnesota collaborative divorce. Many divorcing couples believe their marriages have become emotional quicksand. However, few are as vile as the one depicted in Edward Albee’s 1966 film classic “Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf,” starring Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton. That film showcases a depth…
read moreAny parent going through a Minnesota divorce has likely spent considerable time wondering about the potential impact the split could have on your kids. Parents commonly fear that the divorce will do lasting harm to their children, leaving emotional scars that they may never recover from. For this reason, some choose to stay together, for…
read moreJoseph M. Flanders councils divorce clients to participate in uncontested divorces, collaborative divorces, mediation, and alternative dispute resolution (ADR) in all cases. It’s very rare that he will counsel clients to attend court or to ask the judge for relief. This is because the court system tends to be cumbersome, slow, unresponsive, and unable to…
read moreIf you’re considering moving forward with a Minnesota divorce, you likely have lots of questions about how things will work and what the process might entail. Though it can be overwhelming, it might be helpful to start at the beginning: how to serve divorce papers. To find out more about how service of process works…
read moreHow do courts decide child custody in a Minnesota divorce? The standard for determining child custody in a Minnesota divorce is based on the “best interests” of the child standard. Minnesota child custody law | the “best interest” standard The law in Minnesota provides that the “best interest of the child” standard is many factored and no…
read moreI have many conversations with clients about how marital retirement assets are valued and divided. The law, for all intents and purposes, divides marital retirement assets at the date of marriage and then again at a valuation date during a Minnesota divorce action. The valuation date will not start until a petition for dissolution of marriage and a summons…
read moreAs we’ve discussed before, when Minnesota couples divorce, their assets must be divided. This process is known as equitable division and it requires that the couple’s joint marital possessions be fairly, though not necessarily evenly, split up. Most people understand that this will require divvying up the house, the cars, the bank accounts and even…
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