Premarital counseling teaches many engaged couples how to avoid the types of negative behaviors and attitudes that often derail intimate relationships. However, if you havent gone through this type of therapy before marriage, its important to learn more about the most common reasons for divorce. Once you gain this knowledge, you and your spouse can…
read moreDomestic violence often plays a role in many couple’s lives. In fact, one Canadian study revealed that 50% of all divorced women reported past abuse. In America, you often see the statistic that one in four women will experience some type of domestic violence during their lives. It’s also been stated that “more than more…
read moreAny parent going through a Minnesota divorce has likely spent considerable time wondering about the potential impact the split could have on your kids. Parents commonly fear that the divorce will do lasting harm to their children, leaving emotional scars that they may never recover from. For this reason, some choose to stay together, for…
read moreIf you’re considering moving forward with a Minnesota divorce, you likely have lots of questions about how things will work and what the process might entail. Though it can be overwhelming, it might be helpful to start at the beginning: how to serve divorce papers. To find out more about how service of process works…
read moreI have many conversations with clients about how marital retirement assets are valued and divided. The law, for all intents and purposes, divides marital retirement assets at the date of marriage and then again at a valuation date during a Minnesota divorce action. The valuation date will not start until a petition for dissolution of marriage and a summons…
read moreAll divorcing couples in Minnesota are subject the possibility of default hearing. This is true for a Dakota County divorce or any divorce in the state. What does this mean? Basically, if you fail to respond to the divorce paperwork which is served upon you by your spouse, you could be subject to the court…
read moreSpousal maintenance is almost always a contested issue in a Dakota County divorce. Minnesota law does not set out a statutory formula for spousal maintenance awards. Therefore, it is often left to divorce attorneys to fight out the exact terms. Under Minnesota law, spousal maintenance is a money award made pursuant to a divorce or…
read moreIn Dakota County MN, the courts are now requiring that couples wanting a Dakota County divorce to go through an early neutral evaluation process. The program is aimed at lessening the burden on the court docket while simultaneously connecting divorcing couples, lawyers, judges, and neutrals early in the divorce process. In this way, the courts…
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