Unfortunately, far too many parents across Minnesota and the country fall behind on child support payments. The reasons for the lapses are fairly standard: lost job, unexpected expenses and sometimes, simple irresponsibility. Though they may appear small on an individual basis, these unpaid debts really add up in the aggregate. According to a recent survey…
read moreAs we’ve discussed before, when Minnesota couples divorce, their assets must be divided. This process is known as equitable division and it requires that the couple’s joint marital possessions be fairly, though not necessarily evenly, split up. Most people understand that this will require divvying up the house, the cars, the bank accounts and even…
read moreMany people have heard the terms “contested” and “uncontested” Minnesota divorce bandied around when discussing divorce. The general idea is that uncontested divorces are good things, while contested splits are trouble and lead to increased expense. While this may be true in some cases, the reality is that contested divorces are not necessarily bad things…
read moreEveryone understands that divorce can be a difficult process. Between custody/visitation disputes, property division and the adjustment of starting life again on your own, it’s understandable that couples would want to hurry through the process as quickly as possible. However, there are some aspects of the process that can’t simply be slapped together and really…
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