In a story reported by The American Independent, a Federal Court judge has found that a man who married a transgendered woman has a legally recognizable marriage under Minnesota’s defense of marriage laws. The judge held that because one of the parties is male and the other legally transitioned to a female, the couple qualifies as…
read moreAs first made known to this blog by Judge Steve Halsey on his blog, Minnesota Family Law Issues, a prominent New York lawyer and divorcee will be unable to re-open a divorce settlement in his attempt to recoup losses stemming from investment in Bernie Madoff’s ponzie scheme. The New York Court of Appeals rules that “Mutual…
read moreThe Austin County Herald reports that eight counties in Minnesota are going paperless as a part of the eCourtMN initiative. According to the Herald, all Minnesota counties will be required to go paperless in the next five years. The counties which are reported as going paperless include: •Cass •Clay •Cook/Lake •Dakota •Faribault •Kandiyohi •Morrison…
read moreWelcome to the first post in what I hope to be many on this new blog. At least at this initial stage, the plan is for the blog to serve as a resources for all residents of Dakota County to use to find information about the law and lawyers in the county. The blog’s goal…
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