A recent family law case out of New Jersey has received some serious national attention after a father was ordered to pay more than $100,000 towards his daughter’s law school tuition. The case surprised many and worried others who feared being on the hook for similar college costs in a divorce and other educational expenses…
read moreMinnesota recently received some national attention when the state Supreme Court issued a surprising opinion regarding criminal charges filed against a deadbeat father. Unpaid Child Support in Minnesota The Court took an unexpected and, in some quarters, unpopular position when it said that the man could not be convicted of failing to “care and support”…
read moreThe process of equitable division can be a difficult one during a Minnesota divorce. Couples who have spent years or even decades accumulating assets are forced to divide up their earthly possessions. Bank accounts, retirement funds, stocks, bonds, real estate and many other items are split between husband and wife. Though most people expect the…
read moreAs we’ve discussed before, when Minnesota couples divorce, their assets must be divided. This process is known as equitable division and it requires that the couple’s joint marital possessions be fairly, though not necessarily evenly, split up. Most people understand that this will require divvying up the house, the cars, the bank accounts and even…
read moreWe wanted to make any readers of this website aware that Flanders Law Firm LLC is now offering Minnesota collaborative divorce services through couples and individuals throughout the Twin Cities Metro Area. For more information, please read the Collaborative Divorce Law in Minnesota page which has been published by the firm. Thank you!
read moreAnyone who has seen an episode of a network television legal show has likely heard the term “affidavit.” Though the word might be passingly familiar, it is likely not something you encounter on a daily basis and thus may require a bit more explanation to understand how useful affidavits can be in some Minnesota family…
read moreMany people have heard the terms “contested” and “uncontested” Minnesota divorce bandied around when discussing divorce. The general idea is that uncontested divorces are good things, while contested splits are trouble and lead to increased expense. While this may be true in some cases, the reality is that contested divorces are not necessarily bad things…
read moreEveryone understands that divorce can be a difficult process. Between custody/visitation disputes, property division and the adjustment of starting life again on your own, it’s understandable that couples would want to hurry through the process as quickly as possible. However, there are some aspects of the process that can’t simply be slapped together and really…
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