Dakota County Law Blog

A family law blog with real world legal advice

I wanted to talk about whether a divorce settlement is legally binding in this post.  Why?  Because somebody found this blog using those exact search terms which they typed into a search engine: “is a divorce settlement legally binding?” I thought about the questions when I read the search terms and I realized that the…

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Although the law varies from state-to-state, there is a certain period of time in which a person who is served with divorce paperwork must submit their own “Answer” or risk being defaulted by the court. As divorce lawyers will tell you, filing an Answer is a very important step in defending your rights in any…

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If there is a number one question that I get asked by clients it would be:  “how does a judge make a decision on who gets child custody?”  My answer is different depending on the facts of each individual case, but, to keep it simple, the judge makes a decision based on the “best interest…

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