The parent who has typically performed the traditional role of homemaker and caretaker of the children will be most likely to establish primary parent status for purposes of a temporary custody and child support order. This means that the primary caregiver is most likely to receive temporary custody in a divorce or legal separation proceeding.…
read moreAlthough the law changes from state-to-state, and you should talk with a licensed family law lawyer in your area, there is some general information which should be included in every motion for modification of child support. In any case involving the establishment or modification of an existing child support order, the initiating party should include…
read moreAs a divorce lawyer, I have answered A LOT of phone calls from potential clients. Some questions that nearly every person I talk has is: “what do I need to bring with me?” or “what are we going to discuss?” Answering questions like the ones above got me to thinking about what people should know…
read moreSorry, this is a bit of a cheat post. As a divorce and family law lawyer, I follow quite a few family law blogs around the country. As I posted earlier, one great blog that I follow almost daily is the Family Law Prof Blog. Today, on my Google Reader, I ran into a blog…
read moreAs a lawyer in Apple Valley and somebody who follows technology trends, I was very interested in a new post by lawyer/blogger Adam Cordover at his blog ABC Family Law Blog. The post was about how judges in Hillsborough County, Florida are now using Skype for court hearings. I’m impressed. I agree with Mr. Cordover…
read moreSome states allow people who can agree on every aspect of their divorce to forego the long, drawn-out dissolution of marriage process and, instead, follow a summary divorce proceeding. The law varies from state-to-state and you should check with a qualified divorce lawyer in your state for further questions about summary divorce proceedings. In states…
read moreAs I’ve talked about in prior posts, there are several legal documents which are necessary to get the divorce process started. On the most basic level, the legal documents that need to be served in most states are a “Summons” and a “Petition for Dissolution of Marriage.” The law varies from state-to-state and you should…
read moreIn the majority of family law cases that I have dealt with as a family law lawyer, the client will often want to request immediate relief form the court via a temporary hearing. Every state handles the temporary hearing process a little differently. You will want to speak with family law lawyers in your area…
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