If you are going to file an initial pleading or other legal document with a court, you are going to need to consider a very important legal matter that many non family law lawyers often miss – the necessity of “service of process”. In theory, service of process is simple concept. Basically, when a Petition…
read moreThe first step you must follow to get a divorce is to file a document called a “Petition for Dissoluton of Marriage” and a “Summons” with a court. Each state has different laws; however, it is likely not an overstatement to say that the “Petition” and the “Summons” are two universals across the country. Furthermore,…
read moreMost law firms and lawyers require that clients pay them an initial “retainer” in order to secure the services of a divorce lawyer. However, many people that I have met with often have questions of what a “retainer” really means and what is done with it once it is paid by them to the lawyer.…
read moreIf you make an appointment with a family divorce lawyer, the attorney is going to ask you to bring in certain paperwork so that he or she can better understand your case and give you legal advice. The lawyer may ask you to bring in certain documents over the phone if you are able to…
read moreTalking to an experienced family law attorney is very important if you are faced with a legal situation that will likely have a big impact on your family. I was at the law library today, looking over some case law and information about divorce, child custody, and child support when I couldn’t help but over hear…
read moreThe official formula for calculating child support varies from state to state. Some states weigh certain factors more heavily such as calculating income only on a 40-hour-work-week – while others states do not. It is important that you check with an experienced Apple Valley family law lawyer in your area to find out how your state…
read moreThe legal definitions of non-parental caretakers and the ramifications associated with with those meanings are extremely important to understanding how courts treat biological or natural mothers and fathers. Talking to a qualified Apple Valley family law lawyer will be beneficial to your understanding and navigation of often complicated laws. The most obvious reason to understand the…
read moreI have had many clients ask me what “child custody” really means. I try to tell them and then I get back that look: the blank “what the heck are you talking about” stare. So, in an effort to be more clear, I am posting about the general meaning of child custody as I understand…
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